Friday, December 5, 2008


Ok, I have figured out a way to make our little announcement without letting any of my family know. I am pretty sure that none of them look on here. (they will all REALLY REALLY freak out.)
We are pleasantly surprised to be expecting another little monster in our house the first part of July. I am about 9 weeks right now. I had no intentions of blabbing until I absolutely had no choice, but appearantly Caeli absorbs more then I think. We were trying to be careful around her and not say anything, but she told Katelyn the other day. (sorry I was a liar Kate) So appearantly she gets more than I think. I am sure we will have to tell my family before too long but in the meantime if anyone happens to run into anyone in my family... Deb, Shelle... :)
We are excited but a little scared as well. I am trying to keep all bad memories of Cohen's birth experience out of my head... anyway, I suppose we could use any and all prayers in our behalf. Lets hope it really is July when we get our new one.


  1. congratulations!! I'm so excited for you guys! We will start praying for a healthy normal delivery right away!! Should we go delete those comments off of facebook??

  2. I think it will be ok.... whatever I don't care. Thanks guys. It's kinda fun to be a blabber...

  3. haha! Fun for us too! :-)

    Will your family be stressed in a bad way? Is is because of the complications last time and they're worried for you?

  4. Oh yeah, they will be really stressed for my health. I can't even tell you how many times any given member of my family has suggested various kinds of permanent birth control. My grandma even printed me off a picture of me in the hospital with the NG tube when I looked HORRIBLE to hang on my fridge so I would remember how bad I don't want any more kids. I understand because they all had to help so much when I was in Provo for so long, but you know, I just think it not really their decision... and all of that. It was a surprise for us though. But it's hard to not get excited after the initial shock.
    I am just going to have to deal with constant calls all day from my mom and all grandmas about my health. They really think that I will die if I have another baby. I think things will be fine. But like I said, prayers in our behalf would be appreciated. It will be awesome. Babies are the best.

  5. Ok first off, congratulations!!
    Second of all, ya big jerks! Just kidding. I'm really happy for you guys and I was pretty sure you were trying to hide something after Caeli told me she was going to be a big sister and then after you told me you were throwing up. Anyway, YAY! Let me know if you need me to take your munchkins for a little while sometimes. Seriously.

  6. Hehehaha, Yeah I have been sick as a dog! It's wierd because I didn't get sick with either of the others. Funny.
    Yeah Caeli keeps saying I am growing her little sister.

  7. Congrats! Just be sure you eat nutrient-dense foods to keep you both healthy... as soon as you stop throwing up. ;)

  8. Yeah, I would like to eat something other then toast and crackers. :)

  9. Jamie was right...they do come in three's. haha Congratulations! We'll definitely pray for you!

