Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The winning burger

So as it is, we basically have no rights to this recipe anymore. They are using it as a selling point for the cookbook. So they don't want us just giving it away, but I thought we could share it with our family anyway. I don't have the recipe in front of me, but this is very close to what the actual recipe is.
This makes 4 "cameron size" burgers

Bruschetta Turkey Burgers with Avocado Mayo

1.25 lbs of turkey burger
2 large cloves of garlic
1 bag (8oz) Italian 5 cheese blend shreds- Cache Valley Cheese of course
Salt and pepper
-mix it all together well and form into patties
(one note here, the cheese blend is strictly for the competition's sake, it does help to keep the turkey from drying out, but mixing some ricotta cheese in with the meat is actually my preference. It COULD be omitted all together, just be very carful not to let it overcook and dry out.)

you can buy prepared bruschetta in the cooler of most grocery stores, but it's simple to make fresh.
4-6 roma tomatoes
1/4 cup packed basil leaves
1 large clove garlic
1 Tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
-chop everything and mix it together. Italian "salsa"

Avocado Mayo
2 large avocados
1 cup mayo
cayenne pepper (1/8 tsp, very little)
-mash avocados and stir everything together

and we make it on a Ciabatta roll brushed with butter and grilled

cook your turkey, assemble and eat.

Oh and we put sliced and melted mozzarella cheese on top to round out the Italian theme going on.

I think that's it. Menu item for next family get-together???

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