Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Candy

I am having bad luck with Christmas treats at my house. Do any of you have any good candy recipes that are semi-hard to screw up.


  1. Yes! I saw an awesome one at school the other day! This girl took those mini square pretzels (shape of a square with a plus in the middle, but I suppose it could work with the mini-loop ones as well). Anyway, she just put a hershey's hug in the middle of each mini-pretzel. Melted the hug then took an m&m and pressed it down in the middle of the hug. I wish I had more precise directions...you end up with a stripey....oh, wait, I'll just google it! :-)

    And here you go (with picture and directions):


    This girl only did the stripey ones shown on that page and they were so cute and so yummy! I think I'm going to try them next year. This year I did smores in a jar.

  2. Sorry, you'll have to copy and past the link I guess.

  3. That's an awesome idea too. I have done it before with Rolos and pecans on the pretzels. That's a good idea. I actually had some peanut butter fudge turn out for me today so I am much less depressed about it all.

  4. Deb, how do you smores in a jar? I'm always ready for new ideas!

  5. Here are a couple of links to smores in a jar:



    I found these when I was searching for brownies in a jar, my old standby. Anyway, the smores turned out really yummy and people have thought it's a cute idea. There are also ideas for smores in a jar for different holidays using Peeps for the marshmellows instead of mini-marshmellows.

