Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ground Deer Meat

A lady Mike works with gave us some ground deer meat and I have no idea what to do with it. Does it even taste good? The lady Mike works with doesn't like it, that's why she gave it to us. Do any of you know what I can do with it? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I grew up on the stuff. You can use it in anything you would use hamburger in. I personally can't eat deer. Cam likes it though. I think if you must eat it it would be best in tacos or something that you could add stuff and hide the taste. Casseroles and things like that.
    Don't let me and my negative attitude discourage you. You should try it. We just ate deer and elk all of the time as children and so now I can't eat it at all. Hey, it might be your new favorite:)

